Reporting Violations of the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Confidential)

Tips for Preparing a Violation Report

  1. Familiarize yourself with the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the Enforcement Policy and Procedures.
  3. Collect data and draft a violation report. In particular, you will need:
    1. Your name and contact information. If you are an ACM member, your ACM membership number. (Note that you do not need to be a member to file a complaint.)
    2. The name and contact information (as best you can determine it) for the member that you charge with violating the code. Usually only ACM members, ACM SIG members, ACM awardees, and ACM SIG awardees can be charged with violating The Code. It is helpful to provide any information that you have that indicates ACM membership, ACM SIG membership, and any ACM or ACM SIG awards the respondent may have won. Include any information that might help us identify the person being charged.
    3. A concise statement of the facts of the case (as best you know them) and an explanation of why these facts indicate a violation of The Code. If you can, cite the specific Principles of The Code you believe have been violated.
  4. With this information in hand, report the violation using this form.
  5. Knowingly filing a false allegation of a violation of the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is a violation of the Code. Appropriate steps will be taken toward any individual who knowingly makes a false allegation.


  • Hold down the Control Key to select multiple files. You can also upload multiple files in a zip folder, or just upload a single file
  • List of files will appear here

Note that a copy of this entire complaint will be sent to the email address listed here.

Note that you do not need to be an ACM member to file a complaint.

Be aware that COPE may decline to consider any complaint at its sole discretion, including but not limited to complaints that concern conduct or a dispute in which another organization or institution has a more substantial interest or that is the subject of legal action or a governmental investigation.